Colorado Cannabis Company (CCC) prides itself on maintaining complete compliance. We do that by staying current on all the various local and state rules and regulations. Through rigorous quality control and sound science, we ensure all CCC products are 100% compliant. Including all testing, serving, portioning, packaging, and labeling requirements as enforced by the Colorado Department of Revenue Marijuana Enforcement Division (MED), the Colorado Department of Health and Environment (CDPHE), and the City of Denver Department of Health and Environment (DHE).
Due to the October 1, 2016 rule changes regarding packaging and labeling, CCC has made the following changes to ensure all product is compliant with all current regulations:
All CCC packaging is opaque preventing any product from being visible in the package.
All CCC packaging is certified child resistant. Multi-serving products can be re-closed as to achieve child resistance once opened.
Per MED Bulletin 15-09 all CCC product packaging and labeling are compliant with rules R604 and M604 and are labeled with the required Universal symbol. In addition, the required statement is directly below the universal symbol: Contains Marijuana. Keep out of the reach of children. For Medical Marijuana products the statement is Contains Marijuana. For Medical Use Only. Keep out of the reach of children.

No edible products produced by CCC resemble candy, fruit, animals or other items enticing children.
All CCC products are compliantly tested per rules R1500 and M1500.
- Wonderland Capsules: each individual capsule has the required diamond shaped universal symbol on one half of each gelatin capsule.
Recreational Olive Oil comes in a one ounce unit that contains ten servings. One serving is equal to one cap full. The child resistant closure acts as the measuring/pouring device. This is compliant with the new rule as laid out in the Sept 26, 2016 MED Bulletin 16-12.
- Per House Bill 1261. All Colorado Cannabis Company skin care products are considered nonpsychoactive transdermal edible. What this means is that recreational topical skin products are exempt from equivalency rates and/or retail daily sales limits.